Sunday, July 26, 2009

All the Single ladies

Here is to the young ladies out there who if you have read my relationships blog are not as lucky as me with the whole love thing. Dont worry! I have so many friends who are worried they are never going to find mr. right in the young teenage years. Ha ha yea I know its crazy but relationships are important to teens! You look around and all you see are people holding hands, cuddling, and kissing like Crazy!! I have been there.. wishing* that someday I was going to be that girl kissing and cuddling her perfect boyfriend. All I had to do was wait. Chicks out there reading this here is what I have to say about being single and hating it. WAIT! Your perfect guy will find you he will just be there, he will just show up, and here is what you do, put your flirty face on and show him you. Dont act like anyone else who knows he may have already dated a girl who acted like who you were trying to be and hated her. Be yourself and enjoy the love and friendships that come out of relationships
Relationships are tricky, wonderful, and nerveracking. Young love no matter what any adult says is not stupid or a waste of time. Here is what I say to all you young ones in love like myself.. Dont hold back be yourself. The right kind of guy/girl will like you just for who you are. There is no need to be or dress or say anything that isnt you! You also need to make good choices. Now I dont want to sound like some parent telling you to be careful and safe, but if you think about it if you make the wrong choice with one guy you may happen to be stuck with him if something goes wrong! You will never have that chance of dating new people to someday decide what kind of man you want to spend your life with. I have been very lucky with the relationships I have been in. At the moment I am with a guy who tells me I am beautiful and perfect (which we all no nobody is) but still its sweet and gives me butterflies. I love a guy who will just cuddle me and love me no matter how I am feeling. So dont go throwing yourselft on one guy! This might sound rude but try some different ones out. You may not know this but the more guys you date who are all different then eachother the more chance you will know what you are looking for when the time comes for you to get married.

My Faith

Faith is a word i adore. If it wasnt for my parents dragging me to church when I was young I wouldnt be using it. Now the word has a whole new meaning. I enjoy going to church. I think church is a place of pure learning. I agree with most that it at times can be a boring place, but that is until to really listen to the stories they are telling you to beleive. The whole story of what God and Jesus is really about is the most interesting absurd thing i have ever heard. I know and belive that going to church is the best way to be amazed. When you first walk in and hear the unbelivable stories you laugh. This couldnt be true it has to be fake. Until you realize that you wouldnt be in the hot crowded bright room listening if it wasnt.

My Summer, people, and parties

Summer brings too many memories. When I think summer I think the lake, the sun, the smells, the friends, and of course the family. I commet myself to my family during summers. I choose to be with them as much as I can only because the next coming school year brings friends all over again. Although I never turn down hanging with my boyfriend and only my closest buds. You say the word party and I am there. I am a people and party kind of person. I enjoy being the person who makes you laugh. I am the person who you can count on to cuddle or be loving. I can also be the b**** everybody hates. Of course that is only if i am standing up for somebody I love. Back to summer.. I am very active and love being outside. I enjoy playing the best game on the planet (tennis). When it comes to lounging on the couch watching movies that is something i cant usually turn down etheier. When school coems around I will put on a happy face and grab at the new adventrue.